• Amplify Your Voice with Matahari•
Are You Ready to Build Power with Domestic Workers and Restaurant Workers in Massachusetts?
Connect with other working women of color, domestic workers (nannies, house cleaners and care workers) and restaurant workers across Massachusetts, and help shape campaigns for dignity and respect for all working women and femmes at work and beyond.
Join us and get access to Matahari member benefits and programming!
Your debit, credit, or prepaid card will be charged $30 one-time for a one year membership with Matahari. Your annual dues help us to provide programming including community building events, leadership development training and coaching, and voting rights in local and national campaigns.
Your debit, credit, or prepaid card will be charged $60 one-time for a one year dual-membership with Matahari and the National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA). A portion of your $60 annual dues will go to NDWA to support your access to health and enhanced benefits for domestic workers.
By signing up, you agree to uphold our vision and values.
At Matahari, we are a collective of domestic workers (nannies, house cleaners and care workers) and restaurant workers. We envision a world free of gender-based violence in which all workers are safe, valued, and live with dignity.
We are committed to a future where femme labor and workers are respected, protected, and celebrated. We are working to:
End to wage theft, subminimum wages, labor trafficking, and other forms of economic exploitation that are so prevalent for women at work.
Build authentic and lasting solidarity among Black, Indigenous and Women of Color workers in low-wage sectors.
Create multilingual spaces workers can communicate in the language in which we feel most comfortable and build power across our communities.
Relationship Building. We look for opportunities to deepen connections and build authentic, mutual relationships across lines of difference.
Justice at the Center. We recognize the ways that racism, sexism, classism, xenophobia, and ableism impact all of us, and to fight for our collective liberation.
Participatory Decision-Making. We prioritize consensus-based decision-making, ensuring that solutions are designed by and for those directly impacted.
Shared Strategy and Vision. We align around a shared strategy, ensuring that our messaging and actions reflect a collective approach in how we speak and organize.
Continuous learning. We commit to ongoing political education, sharpening our organizing skills through workshops, questions, and active learning.
Respect decisions made by Matahari’s staff and Steering Committee. Members are not directors, employees, officials or agents of Matahari.
Be truthful and ethical in all activities conducted on behalf of Matahari.
Represent Matahari to the media, ally organizations, or government only if selected and trained to do so by Matahari staff, ensuring unified messaging.
Note: Matahari reserves the right to discontinue any individual’s membership at any time for failure to uphold this Statement of Vision and Values.
Last updated: November 2024